March 25, 2020

We're starting a blog.

2-min read

Okay, is this thing on?

Hello there, we're Legit Apps.

I'm often not a fan of company-produced blogs. I think they're almost always overtly self-serving - offering up half-baked (or, recycled) content and tips so as only to have a means to pitch you their product. Which, is fine. That must work for those companies and that's just great for them.

This is not going to be another one of those blogs.

In the wake of COVID-19, and having had several conversations with our clients - we felt that we might be able to offer some actual help as we all adjust to our "new normal". What do we know about the topic? COVID-19? Literally nothing. I mean, truly nothing. We're all doing our part in social distancing (I've been practicing this for years, actually), hand sanitizing, and so on...

However, as a company, we have been using a lot of awesome tools & processes that are very conducive to remote (and even asynchronous) work & collaboration. We've had seasons in our company where we were actually remote, but even when in the office, we've found that these systems actually make us more productive when we are physically together.

So, that's what we're going to be sharing - at least, to start. Just the tools, processes, and workflows that we love and think you might love too.

Will we talk about our product? Probably, yes... (it's hard to not talk about the things you love, right?) We believe in it whole-heartedly, and it may (or may not) be valuable to you. But, that's not why we're here right now.

If you're currently trying to figure out how to deal with some of the new challenges that accompany remote work and learning, we'd love it if you found some of our ideas helpful, and we're going to try our very best to make this worth reading. You'll see some familiar Legit Apps faces around here, but we hope & plan to have some awesome guest contributors as well - some of your colleagues who can share some of their favorite tools, small (and large) victories, and hopefully some "lessons learned the hard way".

We're not going to be pumping out a ton of posts, as we will never post anything that we don't believe is actually value-adding and actionable... it needs to make a difference, and it needs to be doable. And (if I have anything to do with it) it's going to probably read a lot like this "post" has read so far -- casual and (I like to think) moderately humorous.

Do you sign your name at the bottom of blog posts? I'm going to.
